November 8, 2010



My name is Alex and my wife's name is Anna. Our hometown is Sacramento, California and have basically lived there our whole lives. She and I met at a church when she was 14 and I was 17. It wasn't sparks and perfect love at first but after a few years of getting to know each other we have been together for the past 7 years. I am now 28 and she is 25.

I went to school to become an elementary school teacher but after graduation and the credential program felt like it wasn't a good fit. I became an Environmental Testing Technician which is just a fancy name for doing environmental tests and maintenance on Gasoline Stations. I enjoyed my job at first and it enabled me to marry Anna. When we first got married Anna was going to Nursing School and for the past year and a half has been a practicing RN.

We had it made, making good money, married, and just living life. We were at the typical age to buy a house and start making babies, but here we are on the road. How did we get on the road? Well, I will tell you the story...

I wasn't happy even though I should have been. I didn't realize it till just recently but with both of us working our relationship just wasn't healthy. I worked 6:30am-2:30pm and she literally worked 2:30pm-11pm. We would only see each other in passing and this went on for a year and a half. I then cooked up this hair brained idea of traveling the country in a '71 VW Bus after helping a friend buy a '71 bus (see I am an aircooled VW fanatic). I thought that we could save some money for this trip work towards it and if it falls through we would have money to put on a downpayment of a house. Basically a foolproof plan. If it worked out we would see the country and if it didn't then we would do the typical buy a house and make babies. I approached Anna and said, "I am just going to throw this out there and if you throw it right back at me absolutely no problem, Lets travel the country for a year!!!"

She was silent and then said, "I don't know Alex thats a huge decision I am going to have to think about that for awhile."

She thought about it for about 3 weeks and then came to me and said Lets do it!!!!!

So I have bought a cheapo VW Bus had a pro build a brand new engine in it and have tried my best to make it as reliable and livable as it can be. Here is a picture of our Home:

We hope to keep a blog of our travels with Anna writing her blog (under Anna's Trek) and I writing mine as well (under Alex's Trek). We will not look at each other's blog the entire trip but you guys get to follow both of us! You get to receive two perspectives of the same exact trip! So I hope you enjoy following us as much as we enjoy the trip ourselves.

It's probably best to click follow on each of our individual blogs because this main page is merely an introduction and will not be updated as often as our individual blogs. Thanks a ton :P


  1. Good luck to my baby bro and his lovely lady. I am so proud of you and excited for your adventure. I'll be honest it's not my cup of tea (I dig the big money and home/fancy, gas-guzzling car thing) but I know yo two will have some great stories to tell. Be safe, but also be adventurous. Try not to make too many plans because remember..."When we make plans God laughs!" I love you both you crazy, cooky, hippie kids!

  2. Hey have a great adventure. You will remember this for every and be able to tell your kids and friends for the rest or your life so enjoy it now and keep your memery forever. Wish I could do this a RV like Philip. We will look forward on reading about your trip take alot of
    pictures. Love Mom and Dad.

  3. Hey y'all: Alex I think you remember my friend Courtney Nardine. Here's a couple quotes she wanted me to pass onto you. Travel well!

    "A journey is a person in ...itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us."
    -John Steinbeck

    It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end.
    -Ursula K. Le GuinSee More

  4. Yoohoo! They're off! Loved having breakfast with you guys, it's great you have a short trip to iron out your things you need to edit, and bring along. I like that you already are in with the 'town folk' on the trip. That;s so cool. Good luck.........luv ya! Khloe (auntie k) p.s. watch out for bears! and ticks! and rattle snakes! Other than that, have a muy bueno time.....

  5. Thanks for leaving a message last night to let us know you made it to your destination for us worried moms. I think about you each day and hope you enjoy your travels. It's cold! so keep warm. Keep in touch, Ma Gail

  6. Alex & Anna, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blogs. It is interesting to know what led up to your adventure and what you're thinking now. We learn alot reading what others have to say about themselves and their plans, etc. Thank goodness that with all this technology, we still have the written word! Love, MoM
